

ForumPublic Health and Medicine

TaiwanICDF, United States Agency for International Development and Norwegian Refugee Council are co-hosting a forum on Increasing Accessibility to Health Care in Emergency Contexts in Geneva during 75th WHA

  • Date: 2022-05-23
  • Time: 18:00 Geneva time∣ 00:00 Taipei time (24th May)
  • Venue: Parquet Meeting Room, Hotel D’Angleterre, Geneva
Event information


The TaiwanICDF is collaborating with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) to co-host a forum entitled Increasing Accessibility to Health Care in Emergency Contexts, to discuss how to respond and enhance the accessibility of health care in emergency contexts.

The forum will invite Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare, Taiwan, Ms. Li-Feng Lee to speak for the opening remarks. Ms. Cecilia Roselli, Director of Humanitarian Policy and Representative Office in Geneva from NRC will moderate this forum, and Dr. Manuel Claros, UNICEF & WHO Team Lead of Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance from USAID will give the keynote speech. Dr. Wojtek Wilk, CEO of the Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM), will share information on how to relieve health needs during the Ukraine crisis after the activation of a temporary protection directive in Europe. Dr. Riccardo Lampariello, head of the health program at the Terre des hommes (Tdh), will discuss how digital health innovations could be applied to address health equity in various settings to match the demand and supply for medical services. Ms. Cathy Wang, director of the humanitarian assistance department at the TaiwanICDF, will share how the TaiwanICDF responds to emergency health needs by strengthening the emergency response capabilities of medical institutions and medical health personnel. Finally, the Secretary General of the TaiwanICDF, H.E. Timothy T.Y. Hsiang, will give the closing remarks.


Since 2020, natural catastrophes, pandemic, war and crisis seems to be appearing all around us. These events have inevitably increased health emergency needs, and thereby, the issue of health equity. Therefore, how to meet the needs of vulnerable people and increase accessibility to healthcare in emergency contexts is something that needs to be addressed. The above topics will be discussed in this forum, and exciting insights can be expected.

How to join the forum?

This forum will be conducted in English and open to anyone interested in the topic. If you are interested in participating in the forum in person, please fill out the registration form. The event will not require registration for online participants and will be live broadcasted on YouTube, with Slido used for Q&A during the forum. Please follow the TaiwanICDF’s official Facebook page for event information.

  • Update:2022-05-18
  • Hits:1314
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