

Technical Cooperation
Technical Cooperation

Technical Cooperation

project list (Updates to the progress of each project are made on 2/15, 5/15, 8/15 and 11/15)

Working in line with partner countries’ national development strategies and goals, throughout project identification, preparation, and negotiation, we conduct a full and accurate analysis of the challenges and bottlenecks that our partners face as part of their development process. We have also placed capacity building and skills transfer at the heart of our technical cooperation projects, employing a range of methods such as professional counseling, technical training, and upgrading operational guidance. This helps our partners overcome technical deficits, increase added value, and progressively improve people’s quality of life.

Developing assistance projects that connect with international trends, ensuring effectiveness and transparency through project-orientation

The technical cooperation projects that the TaiwanICDF carries out with its partner countries meet the practical and pressing needs of these developing nations through joint implementation and mutual responsibility, raising aid effectiveness in accordance with the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the OECD’s Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and Accra Agenda for Action. To realize the principles of proper goals, legal processes and effective administration, we ensure that memorandum of understanding (MoU) are signed prior to carrying out projects with our partner countries, with budget execution, performance evaluation, and risk management all subsequently implemented according to what was mutually negotiated and agreed.

Assessing project relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability

To ensure aid effectiveness, all of our technical cooperation projects must conform to partner countries’ development strategies, with anticipated project impacts undergoing strict assessment in terms of project relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. By implementing projects jointly and taking mutual responsibility, partner countries’ capacity building can be gradually improved.

Project Relevance
The design of project content should take a partner country’s actual needs and socio-economic situation into account. A project’s expected outcome should only be determined after identifying the core issues to be addressed and evaluating the functions and technical capacity of cooperating institutions. Lessions learned from previously completed projects should also be drawn upon to clarify potential constraints. This ensures a logical connection between the core issues to be addressed  and the solutions drawn up in response.

Project Effectiveness

To enhance partner countries’ development standards, technical cooperation projects must ensure effectiveness by aligning project inputs, activities, and outputs meet expected project outcomes as well as outputs and complying with quality standards establishing during project planning.

Project Efficiency

To ensure that project inputs meet expected project outcomes, project implementation procedures must effectively assist in achieving project outputs and outcomes. Project implementation is not a static process, so adjustments may have to be made along the way to ensure optimum performance. Inefficient, ineffective projects should be terminated or restructured so that implementation effectively complies with a partner country’s most recent social and economic development goals.

Project Sustainability

After the completion of a bilateral or multilateral technical cooperation project, it is essential that the partner country continues to yield beneficial results for the local community. This can be achieved through various means, including the technical, commercial, financial, economical, industrial, or institutional efficacy of cooperating institutions, as well as through managerial excellence and commitment to the project. The unit responsible for taking over the project must also be in a sound financial position and have a sustainable development policy with corresponding processes in place. This ensures that the project can receive ongoing financial support and maintain an effective and sustainable operational plan.

  • Update: 2024/03/19
  • Hits:3259
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