


TaiwanICDF to Build Capacity, Provide Technical Assistance in Belize through the Belize City Government House/House of Culture Rejuvenation Project

In late 2010, the government of Belize approached the TaiwanICDF and suggested that they cooperate on a new project. Belizean authorities hope that this new initiative, the Belize City Government House/House of Culture Rejuvenation Project, will enhance the country’s tourist industry by focusing on national heritage in an environmentally friendly, culturally sustainable and socially inclusive manner, especially in downtown Belize City.

In February 2011, a TaiwanICDF delegation visited the site in Belize to appraise the feasibility of the project. Following the consultant’s report, the TaiwanICDF and the representatives of the project’s executive agencies – the Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation and Culture, and the National Institute of Culture and History – agreed that the next step should be to assemble a further team of consultants and revise details of the loan that would fund the project.

A team of consultants from the National Taiwan University Building and Planning Foundation have recently been working in Belize alongside a group of local consultants. The first phase of their work, taking place throughout September, will involve revising the loan proposal that was originally submitted. The second phase, which will begin in November, will involve building capacity among project stakeholders in anticipation of the implementation phase of the project.

  • Update: 2018/03/01
  • Hits:333
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