


TaiwanICDF and Gojo collaborate with development partners to promote financial inclusivity and empower women

The International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) reaffirmed its commitment to financial inclusivity by investing in Gojo & Company, Inc., a Japan-based international inclusive finance holding company, as an institutional investor in June 2024. This partnership will help Gojo provide high-quality, accessible, and affordable financial services to more low-income women in rural areas across Southeast, South, and Central Asia. 

Gojo owns and operates eight microfinance institutions in five countries, providing inclusive financial products and services to over two million low-income clients, 95% of whom are female and 85% of whom reside in rural areas. It provides technology-based financial service to stakeholders to help them dismantle barriers to financial access. Gojo also values social impact management, which has gained recognition from both Japanese and international impact investors.

Through its investment in Gojo, the TaiwanICDF is working with public- and private-sector partners like Cool Japan Fund, JICA, JAFCO and Dai-ichi Life Insurance to facilitate the goals of financial inclusion. This collaborative effort deepens the substantive cooperation with like-minded countries, ensuring we make tangible contributions to the international community.

According to the World Bank Global Financial Inclusion Index, there are significant disparities in bank account ownership among gender, income, and age groups. In fact, there are 1.4 billion adults worldwide who lack access to accounts or associated financial services. Governments and development organizations are targeting barriers that affect specific vulnerable groups, often through innovative financial technologies and products, in order to empowers women and other vulnerable groups with economic opportunities and improve their quality of life through microfinance. This investment project will address multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those associated with poverty reduction, woman empowerment, fair work, social equality and financing of micro, small and medium enterprises.

  • Update: 2024/07/05
  • Hits:369
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