

Somaliland Government Data Center and Information Security Enhancement Project
Somaliland Government Data Center and Information Security Enhancement Project
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Information and Communications Technology
聯合國永續發展目標 (SDGs)
09.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
17.Partnerships for the Goals

Project Name:Somaliland Government Data Center and Information Security Enhancement Project

Project status:Projects in Operation

Cooperating Country:Somaliland

Project Description:

The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) of Somaliland has proposed several policies centered on fostering national recognition and national security by constructing stable and secure e-government infrastructure, with the aim of improving government efficiency. These include the 2020-2024 E-Government Development Strategy Action Plan and the MICT 5-Year Strategy (2021-2025). Despite these initiatives, various government departments have built incongruent e-systems without following institutionalized information security management mechanisms, hindering the development of Somaliland's e-government. 

Taiwan has rich experience in information and cybersecurity development, as well as a mature knowledge of collocation and internet data centers (IDC) management. Through this project, Taiwan can assist Somaliland with formulating relevant policies, planning and managing national data centers and cybersecurity measures, cultivating ICT and cybersecurity talents in the public and private sectors, improving e-government and information security capabilities.

The main contents of this project include: 1. Establishing government ICT architecture and advising cybersecurity planning; 2. Strengthening government data management and cybersecurity; 3. Providing capacity building for ICT and cybersecurity personnel.

Implementation Start Date:2024-05-22

Implementation End Date:2028-05-21

Project Objectives:

This project aims to enhance the overall e-governance and cybersecurity capabilities of the Somaliland government, and to help the departments participate in the collocation internet data center.

Current Progress:

By the end of June 2024, the following activities are being implemented:

Conduct 2 ICT training programs which benefit more than 48 participants of government employees and citizens.

Project Contact:Chen, Chao-Yeh

Phone:+886-2-2873-2323 Ext.6053


Signing Date:2024-05-22

  • 更新日期:2024-08-15
  • 點閱次數:1034

Social Networks社群動態
