

Public Health Emergency Response System Enhancement Project in Somaliland
Public Health Emergency Response System Enhancement Project in Somaliland
  • Public Health and Medicine
  • Public Health and Medicine
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
03.Good Health and Well-Being

Project Name:Public Health Emergency Response System Enhancement Project in Somaliland

Project status:Projects in Operation

Cooperating Country:Africa, Somaliland

Project Description:

Somaliland established a basic framework for a public health emergency response system after the outbreak of COVID-19. However, communication and collaboration among the various governmental agencies responding to public health emergencies still require further enhancement. In addition, the country’s medical sector is grappling with deficiencies in essential medical equipment and services, well-trained healthcare and emergency medical providers, in-hospital and pre-hospital protocols, and its ambulance dispatch system. These challenges hinder the progress of a comprehensive public health emergency response system that provides quality emergency care services for all people. Therefore, this project will integrate Taiwan’s experience in strengthening public health emergency response capabilities into Somaliland’s Hargeisa and Gabiley districts.

The major components of the project will include:

(1) Enhancing the capacity of personnel from thecentral governmental agencies and related health facilities with sufficient knowledge and communication and collaboration skills in public health emergency response.

(2) Improving the functional abilities of health facilities and related agencies to manage public health emergency response.

(3) Assisting the development of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for ambulance dispatch and guidelines for pre-hospital emergency care and in-hospital care.

(4) Upgrading medical device and ambulance functions for pre-hospital emergency care and in-hospital care.


Implementation Start Date:2024-01-01

Implementation End Date:2026-12-31

Project Objectives:

The objectives of this project are:

1.Enhance the capacity of personnel from the central governmental agencies and related health facilities with sufficient knowledge and communication and collaboration skills in public health emergency response

(1)Invite 1-2 senior officers from the MoHD to visit the Executive Yuan,including Ministry of Economic Affairs, and Ministry of Health and Welfare (Taiwan Center for Disease Control) in Taiwan in order to improve interagency operational coordination.

(2)Assist the MoHD in gradually establishing an medical emergency response plan for Somaliland, and help the emergency response center complete planning, training and exercises, including those related to: 1) the preparedness cycle; 2) incident action planning; 3) emergency operations center (EOC) training progression; 4) Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) principles; and 5) preparation and evaluation of practical exercises.

(3)Conduct workshops, a seminar and man-made and natural disaster MCI table drills to strengthen the emergency care system.

(4) Enhance the government’s communication skills and reputation in public health emergency response to the public.

2.Improve the functional abilities of health facilities and related agencies to manage public health emergency response.

(1)Strengthen healthcare personnel capacity in emergency care skills.

A.Train 8 healthcare personnel as seed instructors at NTUHYL in Taiwan to strengthen their emergency care capabilities.

B.Conduct at least 10 local workshops on emergency care to train at least 250 healthcare personnel.

C.Develop a local-driven Training of Trainers model for emergency care for sustainability.

(2)Build pre-hospital emergency care capacities to manage public health emergency response.

A.Train 8 pre-hospital emergency care providers as seed instructors by the NTUHYL team.

B.Conduct at least 8 local workshops on pre-hospital emergency care to train at least 40 providers.

C.Develop a local-driven Training of Trainers model for pre-hospital emergency care providers for sustainability.

3.Assist in the development of SOPs for ambulance dispatch and guidelines for pre-hospital emergency care and in-hospital care.

(1)Gradually optimize the SOPs for the ambulance dispatch system based on the needs assessment in selected regions.

(2)Gradually develop pre-hospital emergency care and in-hospital care guidelines.

4.Upgrade medical devise and ambulance functions for pre-hospital emergency care and in-hospital care.

(1)Equip hospitals with essential medical devices and ambulances to strengthen pre-hospital emergency care.

(2)Equip hospitals with essential medical devices to strengthen hospital emergency care.

(3)Improve the personnel circulation at ER department(s) of selected hospital(s).

(4)Gradually establish an emergency care training center at the selected hospital.

Executing Agency:

Members of the Project will provide technical assistance and assistance for capacity building

Implementation Progress:

To the end of March 2024, the following activity has been carried out:

Invited two policy makers to visit Taiwan.

Project Performance:

Strengthen public health emergency individual events and MCIs response capabilities in Hargeisa and Gabiley districts.

Project Contact:Abby Tseng

Phone:(02)2873-2323 #6066


Signing Date:2023-12-13

Mission:Taiwan Technical Mission in the Republic of Somaliland

  • Update:2024-05-15
  • Hits:642
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