

Haiti Vegetable and Fruit Cultivation Development Project
Haiti Vegetable and Fruit Cultivation Development Project
  • Agriculture
  • Agriculture
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
02.Zero Hunger

Project Name:Haiti Vegetable and Fruit Cultivation Development Project

Project status:Projects in Operation

Cooperating Country:Haiti

Project Description:

The TaiwanICDF is working alongside partners in Haiti to increase the nation’s produce yields and strengthen its food security. To accomplish this, the fund is introducing Taiwan’s high-quality fruit and vegetable varieties, establishing a demonstration field, and providing seedlings of Haiti’s traditional crops. The main contents of the project include (1) setting up a vegetable and fruit cultivation demonstration field; (2) conducting counseling and training sessions for 500 farmers; and (3) assisting in the marketing of demonstrated crops.

Implementation Start Date:2023-06-15

Implementation End Date:2024-06-14

Project Objectives:

1.Establish a fruit and vegetable cultivation demonstration field.

2.Conduct counseling and training sessions for 500 farmers.

3.Support crop marketing by promoting the demonstrated crops.


Executing Agency:

1.Taiwan Technical Mission of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in the Republic of Haiti

2.Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development of Haiti

3.Organization for the Development of Artibonite Valley (ODVA)

4.Provincial Agriculture Bureau


Implementation Progress:

To the end of December 2023, the following activities have been completed:

1.Cleared and prepared a 1.76-hectare demonstration field.

2.Planted eggplants, sweet peppers, chilis, watermelons, and carrots, totaling 5,980 plants in 0.22 hectares.

3.Procured 14 seed varieties comprising 10 local varieties and 4 Taiwanese varieties.

4.Selected and engaged 220 farmers to participate in the demonstration field program.

5.Established a 10 cubic meter demonstration composting facility.

6.Facilitated the procurement and bidding processes for the construction of the net house.


Project Contact:HO CHIA LING



Projected Benefits:

Established a demonstration field in Artibonite Province and introduced 4 new fruit and vegetable varieties, increasing crop unit yield by 10%.


  • Update:2024-01-29
  • Hits:312
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