

Agri-Cluster Consolidation and Cooperation Project in the Philippines
Agri-Cluster Consolidation and Cooperation Project in the Philippines
  • Agriculture
  • Agriculture
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
02.Zero Hunger
12.Responsible Consumption and Production
13.Climate Action

Project Name:Agri-Cluster Consolidation and Cooperation Project in the Philippines

Project status:Projects in Operation

Cooperating Country:Asia-Pacific, Philippines

Project Description:

In cooperation with the Department of Agriculture of the Philippines’ "Farm and Fisheries Clustering and Consolidation" (F2C2) program, the Taiwan Technical Mission is setting up a demonstration farm in the Tarlac Province of Luzon Island, to accelerate the clustering and integration of local agricultural industries referring to the successful experience of developing agricultural production and marketing groups in Taiwan. It strengthens the target clusters’ resource integration, disaster risk reduction and resilience systems while increasing the efficiency of public sector agricultural promotion and the participation of young farmers. Through the diversified guidance of farmers' groups, this project will help Filipino farmers to integrate supporting industrial resources such as facilities, equipment, and seedlings, strengthen financial analysis and organization management, and sell their products to nearby urban markets through the existing mechanism. Given the mature cultivation technology and variety of high value crops in Taiwan, this project is intended to focus on seasonal vegetables and fruits, pragmatically guiding the robust development of agricultural clusters and increasing the income of beneficiary farmers in each target cluster by the end of the project.

Project Objectives:

The robust development of 3 pioneer agricultural clusters under guidance, and an increase of 15% in the income of beneficiary farmers in each cluster by the end of the project.

Executing Agency:

1.Taiwan Technical Mission in the Philippines

2.The Department of Agriculture of the Philippines

Current Progress:

To the end of Dec. 2023, the following activities have been completed:

1. Add a new suitable crop management model.

2. Provide guidance and support to 10 demonstration households in the industry (facilities and seedlings).

3. Provide 36 sessions of technical education and training for the community.

4. Introduce 2 types of vegetable and fruit climate-resilient varieties (okra, eggplant).

5. Conduct information dissemination on disaster prevention and reduction measures 8 times.

6. Supply 21 hectares and a total of 76,019 seedlings of disaster relief seedlings to enhance post-disaster recovery speed.

7. Produced 4 goal-oriented online courses on different topics according to the needs of the DA’s agricultural extensionists.

8. Hold 3 sessions of education and training on marketing and promotion digital tools.

9. Organize 1 professional study tour to Taiwan, with 5 F2C2 project promotion officials (central/local) from the Philippines and 2 cooperative chairpersons/cadres coming to Taiwan for study.

Project Contact:Allison Hsu

Phone:+886228732323 #6140


  • Update:2024-01-19
  • Hits:1359
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