

Assisting the Economic Empowerment of Women in Latin America and the Caribbean in the Post-Pandemic of COVID-19—Sub project 4: Women’s Economic Empowerment Guarantee Project (Haiti)
Assisting the Economic Empowerment of Women in Latin America and the Caribbean in the Post-Pandemic of COVID-19—Sub project 4: Women’s Economic Empowerment Guarantee Project (Haiti)
  • Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Small and Medium Enterprises
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
05.Gender Equality
08.Decent Work and Economic Growth

Project Name:Assisting the Economic Empowerment of Women in Latin America and the Caribbean in the Post-Pandemic of COVID-19—Sub project 4: Women’s Economic Empowerment Guarantee Project (Haiti)

Project status:Projects in Operation

Cooperating Country:Haiti

Project Description:

The TaiwanICDF and the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) tailor a women’s credit guarantee facility to address the key needs of Haitian women. These include changing the lending behavior of local financial institutions, reducing the financing gap for W-MSMEs, and increasing women’s opportunities to obtain the capital needed for starting and sustaining businesses. The facility will support female employment and income generation, helping Haitian women overcome their economic hardships.

Project Objectives:

Facilitating post-COVID-19 economic recovery and promoting women's economic empowerment as a means of maintaining the social stability in Haiti.

Executing Agency:

Pan American Development Foundation (PADF)

Implementation Arrangement:

The project is implemented in two phases. In the first phase, PADF engages in discussions with relevant stakeholders to identify suitable beneficiary groups and understand their needs. Additionally, the criteria for selecting financial institutions will be developed, and at least three participating financial institutions will be chosen to participate in the project. PADF will assist these institutions in launching loan products that cater to the needs of women. In the second phase, based on the findings collected duing the first phase, a Women Credit Guarantee Facility will be formally launched to assist women MSMEs that are unable to provide sufficient collaterals in increasing the opportunities to obtain loans.

Project Contact:Po Lun, Ke



Signing Date:2023-07-06

  • Update:2023-07-19
  • Hits:1214
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