- Information and Communications Technology
Project Name:The Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Digital Capacity Building Project in Saint Lucia
Project status:Projects in Operation
Cooperating Country:St. Lucia, Caribbean
Project Description:
Developing and nurturing ICT capabilities and competencies in its citizens are deemed the focus of Saint Lucia’s human resource strategy. Facing multiple challenges, such as lacking physical infrastructure and lesson planning capabilities, limited the country’s support to the general public in developing digital information-related capabilities to cope with the post-pandemic economic development needs. The Ministry of Public Service of Saint Lucia hopes to take advantage of Taiwan's strength in information and communication technology and experience in education application to assist in the planning and organizing of professional courses, software and hardware facilities, and the counseling mechanism to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Public Service in conducting training, increase the training participation willingness of the private sectors and the general publics’ Information and communication technology application capabilities. This project aims to assist the Ministry of Public Service in increasing the capacity of information and communication training sessions by 54% (up to 1,440 trainees per year, of which 70% of private sector participants would obtain professional ICT course certifications). Specific work items include: "Optimizing the software and hardware facilities and services of the Digital Development Centers", "Building skills for course design and teaching material production", and "Establishing a training quality management and effectiveness tracking mechanism".
Implementation Start Date:2023-06-09
Implementation End Date:2027-06-30
Project Objectives:
This project aims to assist the Ministry of Public Service in increasing the capacity of information and communication training sessions by 54% (up to 1,440 trainees per year, of which 70% of private sector participants would obtain professional ICT course certifications).
Executing Agency:
Ministry of Public Service, Home Affairs, Labour and Gender Affairs / Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology, and Vocational Training/ Department of Housing and Local Government / Taiwan Technical Mission in St. Lucia.
Current Progress:
To the end of September 2024, the following activities have been completed:
1. Completed Dennery Center renovation Phase 1.
2. Began renovation work on the Soufriere Center.
3. 2 public sector information security skills training sessions.
4. Completion of six course promotion sessions.
Project Contact:Yeh Min Yu
Signing Date:2023-06-09
- Update:2024-11-07
- Hits:2487