

Specialized Financial Intermediary Development Fund-Subproject 11: Regional Financial Facility for Emergencies and Crises (Central American Region)
Specialized Financial Intermediary Development Fund-Subproject 11: Regional Financial Facility for Emergencies and Crises (Central American Region)
  • Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Small and Medium Enterprises
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
08.Decent Work and Economic Growth

Project Name:Specialized Financial Intermediary Development Fund-Subproject 11: Regional Financial Facility for Emergencies and Crises (Central American Region)

Project status:Projects in Operation

Cooperating Country:Central America

Project Description:

Support inclusive financial service providers (IFSPs) in the Central America region, such as production cooperatives, credit unions, and microfinance institutions, to provide emergency financial services to micro and small-sized enterprises and small scaled producers impacted by natural phenomena for post-emergency reconstruction.

Region:Central America

Project Objectives:

Create a long-term financial facility to respond to emergency financing needs of microenterprises, small businesses, and small-scale producers caused by natural disasters and sudden shocks in the Central American region.

Executing Agency:

Covelo Foundation 

Implementation Arrangement:

The TaiwanICDF cooperates with IDB Lab, Covelo Foundation, and impact investors such as Oikocredit to establish a long-term financing facility to provide financing fund to IFSPs to re-lend to micro and small-sized enterprises and small scaled producers for post-emergency reconstruction. The facility offers three credit products to eligible IFSPs, which are liquidity loans, subordinated debt loans, and reconstruction revitalization loans.

Project Contact:Daphne Tien

Phone:+886 2 2888 6078


Signing Date:2022-01-25

  • Update:2023-08-24
  • Hits:1145
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