


“Friendship from East Africa—Technical cooperation between Taiwan and Somaliland!” TaiwanICDF releases video to share achievements assisting Somaliland’s development

Since Taiwan and the Republic of Somaliland established representative offices in the two countries in August 2020, the TaiwanICDF has carried out various cooperation projects to assist Somaliland’s development. With the easing of the COVID-19 epidemic, Secretary-General Timothy T. Y. Hsiang of the TaiwanICDF led a delegation in September 2022 to inspect the projects and collect audio-visual materials. After careful editing of the materials collected during the implementation of the projects and the visit, the video “Friendship from East Africa—Technical cooperation between Taiwan and Somaliland!” was released in January. The video aims to share the goals and achievements of all the TaiwanICDF cooperation projects in Somaliland with the citizens of Taiwan, while also showing the friendship between Taiwan and Somaliland. You are welcome to watch the video on the TaiwanICDF YouTube channel.

Through the video, you will learn more about the projects implemented by the Taiwan Technical Mission in Somaliland, including the “Maternal and Infant Health Care Improvement Project”, “Health Information Management Efficiency Enhancement Project”, “Improving Production and Quality of Vegetables and Fruits Project”, and “Somaliland E-government Capability Enhancement Project”. Somaliland ministers supervising the projects, including Minister of Health Development Hassan Mohammed Ali Gafadhi, Minister of Agriculture Development Eng. Cabdiqadir Iiman Warsame, anod Minister of Information and Communication Technolgy Dr. Cabdiweli Sh. Cabdilaahi Suufi Jibriil, all expressed their affirmation of the work Taiwan has done for the country. During an interview, Minister of Information and Communications Technology Dr. Cabdiweli Sh. Cabdilaahi Suufi Jibriil stated: “Our experience working and collaborating with the ICDF is going well. We are now reaching two years and it is going well and according to planning, to schedule. I want to thank the ICDF team.”

In terms of education, to assist Somaliland cultivate professional talent, develop sustainable human resources, and enhance national competitiveness, the TaiwanICDF welcomes Somaliland’s government officials and NGO personnel to participate in workshops held by the agency, and it provides scholarships to Somaliland students to pursue higher education in Taiwan.

At the end of the video, photos are shown of the inspection group touring Somaliland. These not only reveal the beauty of Somaliland people and culture, also the national flag of Taiwan waving under the clear blue sky of the country. The feelings aroused by these images are an expression of the deepest appreciation and support for the hard-working personnel stationed in East Africa.

In recent years, the TaiwanICDF has made videos to introduce various projects implemented overseas to let domestic and foreign audiences understand the state of Taiwan’s foreign aid. You can find more audio-visual information through the official website, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channel of the TaiwanICDF.

“Friendship from East Africa—Technical cooperation between Taiwan and Somaliland!” video link: https://youtu.be/jF8OZ5KBXE4


  • Update: 2023/02/16
  • Hits:310
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