

2020 Healthcare Personnel Training Program
2020 Healthcare Personnel Training Program

    Project Name:2020 Healthcare Personnel Training Program

    Project status:Completed projects

    Cooperating Country:Africa, Asia-Pacific, Central America, Tuvalu, Palau, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Belize, Paraguay

    Project Description:

    The program provides medical personnel from partner countries with one to three months of on-the-job training, enhancing their knowledge and experience, and thereby improving the quality of health care in partner countries.

    Region:World Wide

    Implementation Start Date:2020-01-01

    Implementation End Date:2020-12-31

    Source of Funding:TaiwanICDF and training institutions (both responsible for lecturer and accommodation expenses during the training period; however, training institutions’ expenses are not included in the project “approval amount.”)

    Project Objectives:

    Through the program to provide on-the-job clinical training opportunities to our partner countries, and assist our partner countries to improve the quality of medical services.

    Implementation Arrangement:

    Trainees will be distributed to the allied hospitals and institutions to get clinical or on-site training, exchange professional skills and experience culture differences.

    Current Progress:

    To the end of December 2020, 3 trainees from 2 countries trained in 2 cooperating training institution.

    Project Performance:

    The program provides effective training and improves trainees’ health care-related abilities.

    Project Contact:Emmanuel Chang

    Phone:886-2-28732323 ext.308


    • Update:2022-03-04
    • Hits:2820
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