

Aquaculture Project (Fiji) (Phase II)
Aquaculture Project (Fiji) (Phase II)
  • Agriculture
  • Agriculture
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
02.Zero Hunger

Project Name:Aquaculture Project (Fiji) (Phase II)

Project status:Projects in Operation

Cooperating Country:Asia-Pacific, Fiji

Project Description:

Fiji has a tremendous potential for the development of aquaculture given the presence of excellent supporting elements such as suitable climate, excellent water quality and rich land resources. Historically, both the tourism industry and fisheries sector are important to the country’s economy. In addition, the current positive state of the market represents a key promoter for future growth. This current project is an aid production plan and will assist the development of the Caboni Multi-hatchery Station (hereinafter referred to as CMH) under the Ministry of Fisheries. It will repair and enforce the breeding-related facilities, build human resources capacity and provide the capacity to produce white shrimp larvae to supply local farmers. For the purpose of aquaculture development in the country, the facility will start to develop programs important for future breeding of select economical species. These species will include milkfish and groupers. The main activities of the project are: 

Project No:TT-310-2022-013


Implementation Start Date:2022-01-01

Implementation End Date:2025-12-31

Project Objectives:

To enhance capacity of marine aquaculture breeding and production at Caboni Multi-hatchery Station. 

Current Progress:

To the end of February 2024, the following activities have been completed:

1.  4,180,000 white shrimp fries were produced.

2. Cultivate 200 milkfish and 50 grouper bloodstocks.

3. Complete the 9-month investigation of the gonads of mullet and rabbitfish and will continue to observe.

4. Complete 3 aquaculture workshop.

5. Provide aquaculture consulting services for 5 farmers.

6. Complete the training for technicians to conduct power configuration, emergency power, and pool construction planning.

Implementation Progress:

To enhance capacity of marine aquaculture breeding and production at Caboni Multi-hatchery Station.

Project Contact:Ken Hua Chang

Phone:+886 2 28732323 # 6045


Signing Date:2022-01-01

  • Update:2024-03-20
  • Hits:1758
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