

Agricultural Production and Marketing Cooperation Project (Ecuador)
Agricultural Production and Marketing Cooperation Project (Ecuador)
  • Agriculture
  • Agriculture

Project Name:Agricultural Production and Marketing Cooperation Project (Ecuador)

Project status:Completed projects

Cooperating Country:South America, Ecuador

Project Description:

In response to policies drawn up by Ecuador’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries (MAGAP), this project will establish an Agricultural Development Center and provide training courses to help farmers improve agricultural production and increase their incomes.Overall, this project will:
1. Promote the cultivation of a selected range of crops.
2. Provide farmers with training courses and associated guidance.
3. Assist farmers’ consumer marketing groups.
4. Transfer project operations to personnel at the Agricultural Development Center.

Project No:TCD-2011-D02-02

Implementation Start Date:2010-01-01

Implementation End Date:2013-12-31

Project Objectives:

1. Cooperate with the MAGAP to assist farmers’ consumer marketing groups.
2. Hold 70 training sessions on the cultivation of fruits and vegetables for the benefit of 420 participants.
3. Train government technicians on the cultivation of fruits and vegetables and promote cultivation over 30 hectares.
4. Provide assistance to the consumer market.
5. Transfer the project to the MAGAP.

Executing Agency:

Taiwan Technical Mission in Ecuador / Coastal Southern District, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries (Ecuador)

Project Performance:

1. Counseling production and marketing classes to enhance vegetable production area the vegetable yield improvements of up to 270 tons.
2. Executive of the training program to the MAGAP staff, in order to facilitate project trasference.

Mission:Taiwan Technical Mission in the Republic of Ecuador

  • Update:2022-03-04
  • Hits:1195
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