

Improving Production and Quality of Vegetables and Fruits in Somaliland
Improving Production and Quality of Vegetables and Fruits in Somaliland
  • Agriculture
  • Agriculture
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
02.Zero Hunger
17.Partnerships for the Goals

Project Name:Improving Production and Quality of Vegetables and Fruits in Somaliland

Project status:Projects in Operation

Cooperating Country:Africa, Somaliland

Project Description:

Impacted by extreme climate events, Somaliland's traditional livestock-based agricultural activities have suffered from drought and locust outbreaks. Furthermore, epidemic animal diseases have restricted exports to Gulf countries, which has impacted national finance and rural livelihoods. Traditional cereals such as sorghum, maize, and millet are produced for domestic consumption, but vegetable and fruit production are limited by materials, equipment, and techniques. Because of low production and poor quality, vegetable and fruit production cannot be a major alternative source of livelihood. To echo SDG 2 and SDG 17, this project intends to cooperate with Somaliland's Ministry of Agriculture to focus on vegetable and fruit production zones and improve techniques, increase production, build capacity for extension staffs and farmers, upgrade the post-harvest process, and link farmer organizations and markets, in order to achieve local consumption and reduce imports. The project objectives include establishing a demonstration farm for demo and training, providing services to selected vegetable and fruit production zones, providing training for female vendors in the market, and assisting extension officials with capacity building.

Project No:TT-310-2021-023

Implementation Start Date:2021-01-01

Implementation End Date:2025-12-31

Project Objectives:The project aims to increase the production and quality of vegetables and fruits in selected zones through establishment of demonstration farms and technical support, and to increase farmers' incomes by 20 percent.

Executing Agency:

Taiwan Technical Mission in Somaliland / Ministry of Agriculture of Somaliland

Current Progress:

By the end of March 2024, the following activities are being implemented:

1. Built 1 demonstration farm to introduce and trial crops.

2. Produced a total of 108,604 vegetable seedlings.

3. Assisted 5 farmer groups to produce vegetables and fruits.

4.Assisted 90 farmers in setting up drip irrigation facilities for fruit and vegetable production.

5. Conducted 15 training workshops.

Project Contact:Chen, Chao-Yeh

Phone:+886-2-28732323 ext.6053


Mission:Taiwan Technical Mission in the Republic of Somaliland

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  • Update:2024-05-13
  • Hits:2285
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