

Women and Youth Entrepreneurs and MSMEs Re-lending Project (Palau)
Women and Youth Entrepreneurs and MSMEs Re-lending Project (Palau)
  • Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Small and Medium Enterprises
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
05.Gender Equality
08.Decent Work and Economic Growth

Project Name:Women and Youth Entrepreneurs and MSMEs Re-lending Project (Palau)

Project status:Projects in Operation

Cooperating Country:Asia-Pacific, Palau

Project Description:

The proportion of bank funds allocated to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MESEs) in Palau is relatively small, accounting for only 16.5% of the
country's GDP.
This is significantly lower than the regional average of 47.6% in Pacific island nations. Despite commercial banks having ample liquidity,
most local savings are invested
abroad, leaving only a small portion available for lending within Palau. This lack of access to finance hinders the growth
of the private sector. The project's goal is to
enhance the lending capacity of the National Development Bank of Palau (NDBP), with a focus on providing
loans to women, youth entrepreneurs, and MSMEs, in order
to promote inclusive economic development in the country.

Project Objectives:

The project aims to enhance private sector credit accessibility in Palau, especially for womenm, youth entrepreneurs and MSMEs,
by leveraging the important
role of  the NDBP. Utimately, the goal is to increase the ratio of private sector credits to the Palau's GDP.

Executing Agency:

National Development Bank of Palau

Implementation Arrangement:

The loan proceeds provided from the TaiwanICDF to the Government of Palau is on-lent to the NDBP to support the expansion
of its lending operation in Palau.The major beneficiaries will be women, youth entrepreneurs and MSMEs.

Project Contact:Thomas H.C. Wang



Signing Date:2020-03-30

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  • Update:2024-06-03
  • Hits:2228
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