

Health Information Management Efficiency Enhancement Project in Paraguay (Phase 2)
Health Information Management Efficiency Enhancement Project in Paraguay (Phase 2)
  • Public Health and Medicine
  • Public Health and Medicine
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
17.Partnerships for the Goals

Project Name:Health Information Management Efficiency Enhancement Project in Paraguay (Phase 2)

Project status:Completed projects

Cooperating Country:South America, Paraguay

Project Description:

TaiwanICDF started a cooperation with Cathay General Hospital and the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (herein after “MoH”) to develop a new HIS. To date, the project has introduced this system in a total of 31 establishments in Guaira region, Alto Parana region and gran Asuncion. The system was able to improve the hospitals’ operations and data collection, as well as allowing MoH to receive the latest accurate health related information, which can serve as reference in making health related policies and decisions. The MoH is very satisfied with the performance of HIS. Based on the previous cooperation experience, the project plans to continue the cooperation with MoH, to expand the system to the identified establishments in the nation, to enhance Parguay’s national Health information management efficiency, through raising the coverage of HIS. The project contents include:
A.Assists Paraguay to develop a standardized and integrated HIS.
B.Replicates the experience of system development and implementation from phase 1 of the project, and improve the level of digitization for different level of establishments.

To watch the video made by the TaiwanICDF:
Power of Health Information Systems- Reflections of an Overseas Project Manager

Project No:TH-120-2020-001

Region:South America

Implementation Start Date:2020-01-01

Implementation End Date:2023-12-31

Source of Funding:Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Ministry of Health, Paraguay/ Cathay General Hospital

Project Objectives:

1.Develop a standardized and integrated HIS
(1)Expand the central server, establish regional server rooms, and training rooms:
  A.Expand the central server.
  B.Establish 1 regional server room and 1 training room for total of 15 regions.
(2)Assist the central and region to train system developers, administrators and server maintainers
  A.Train at least 10 advanced engineers, to facilitate the system development, system administration, promotion, and train the technical team from other regions.
  B.Cooperate with the MoH’s advanced engineers, to assist 15 regions to train at least 1 IT technician, coordinator, system usage lecturer, and Healthcare management lecturer; The above-mentioned regional personals will handle the system implementation, total of 60 people will be trained.
  C.Train at least 4 HIS usage consultants, to provide HIS technical support for the regions.
  D.Complete updating the training manual for admission officers, nurses, doctors and other users.
(3)Continue to enhance the HIS performance
  A.Add system functionalities based on the need of Paraguay, improve the performance for data exchange, backup, IT security, and complete the system administration and operation manual.
  B.Generate 1 statistic report from the center server annually, and conduct at least 2 project result presentation and seminar during the project implementation.

2.Enhance the level of digitization for different levels of establishments
(1)Implement the HIS to the identified 15 regions by MoH, at least 1 tertiary level hospital, 2 secondary level establishments and 3 primary level establishments from each region; the HIS will be implemented to at least 90 hospitals during the project implementation period. 
(2)Cooperate with the central and regional seed trainers to conduct HIS training courses for at least 4,950 users.

Implementation Arrangement:Members of the Project will provide technical assistance and assistance for capacity building

Project Performance:To enhance Paraguay’s health information management efficiency

Signing Date:2019-12-19

Mission:Taiwan Technical Mission in the Republic of Paraguay

  • Update:2024-01-04
  • Hits:3315
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