

Nevis Small Enterprises Re-Lending Project
Nevis Small Enterprises Re-Lending Project
  • Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Small and Medium Enterprises
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
05.Gender Equality
08.Decent Work and Economic Growth

Project Name:Nevis Small Enterprises Re-Lending Project

Project status:Projects in Operation

Cooperating Country:St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis

Project Description:

In order to assist the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) to promote the development of the small enterprise sector, the TaiwanICDF cooperates with the NIA on providing micro-credits and technical assistance to small businesses and start-ups owned or operated by women and youth aged thirty-five and under.The TaiwanICDF’s loan to the NIA will therefore be used to support the re-lending operation and strengthen the capacity of the Small Enterprise Development Unit (SEDU).

Project Objectives:

This project will help Nevis Island Administration (NIA) encourage women and young people to participate in formal economic activities as well as assists them to obtain financial services.

Executing Agency:

Ministry of Finance, Nevis Island Administration

Implementation Arrangement:

This project comprises the two following components: (1)Component A: the proceeds of the TaiwanICDF loan will be re-lent to small enterprises in Nevis Island. The NIA will engage financial institutions (IFIs) to provide services including credit check on loan applicants and administration of disbursement and repayment of Sub-loans. (2)Component B: Part of the TaiwanICDF loan will be used to strengthen the capacity and enhance the operation of Small Enterprise Development Unit (SEDU).

Project Contact:Daphne Tien

Phone:+886 2 28732323 x6078


Signing Date:2019-12-30

Type of Assistance:Loan

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  • Update:2024-01-11
  • Hits:2392
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