

Information Technology Cooperation Project(Guatemala)
Information Technology Cooperation Project(Guatemala)
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Information and Communications Technology
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
09.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Project Name:Information Technology Cooperation Project(Guatemala)

Project status:Completed projects

Cooperating Country:Central America, Guatemala

Project Description:

This project will use information technology (IT) to improve competitiveness in Guatemala, assisting small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to nurture an e-commerce environment and providing guidance on IT-related enterprise management operations.Overall, this project will:
1.Develop information software for SMEs and enhance the competitiveness of local enterprises, thereby creating new markets and new business opportunities through e-commerce.
2.Assist Guatemalan authorities to increase the competitiveness of the local IT industry by coordinating with the National Council of Science and Technology (CONCYT) and inviting specialists from Taiwan to participate in short-term activities.
3.Build capacity among cooperating personnel, particularly by providing training, and transfer the project.

Project No:TCD-2010-B06-01

Implementation Start Date:2011-01-01

Implementation End Date:2012-12-30

Project Objectives:

1.Working in accordance with the Guatemalan government’s e-government policies, provide training to build capacity in IT among 90 persons.
2.Invite and arrange for Taiwanese specialists to visit Guatemala to participate in short-term activities such as lectures and seminars.
3.Assist Guatemalan SMEs to build a website, Guateshop.com, and assist 15 enterprises to engage in e-marketing activities.
4.Coordinate with the Guatemalan public and private sectors to raise public awareness of IT applications and the status of Taiwan’s IT development, and promote IT-related activities such as seminars and/or an Information Technology week.


Executing Agency:

Taiwan Investment and Trade Service Mission in Central America / National Council of Science and Technology of Guatemala (Republic of Guatemala)

Project Performance:

1.Promoting Guateshop.com and assisting 15 enterprises to use the website will facilitate transactions worth US$1 million.
2.Analyzing enterprises and their use of customized the systems is expected to enhance output by US$72,000.
3.Training SMEs to use online credit card payment systems is expected to increase production value by US$108,000.
4.Organizing six IT-related training courses is expected to increase the value of output at associated SMEs by US$32,400.

Mission:Taiwan Investment and Trade Service Mission in Central America

  • Update:2022-03-04
  • Hits:1331
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