

FIPEISF-Agribusiness Account-Subproject 1: Salty Snacks Project Turkmenistan
FIPEISF-Agribusiness Account-Subproject 1: Salty Snacks Project Turkmenistan
  • Agriculture
  • Agriculture
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
02.Zero Hunger
09.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
12.Responsible Consumption and Production
17.Partnerships for the Goals

Project Name:FIPEISF-Agribusiness Account-Subproject 1: Salty Snacks Project Turkmenistan

Project status:Completed projects

Cooperating Country:West and Central Asia, Turkmenistan

Project Description:

Berk Group was planning to start production of salty snacks as a complementary product for its range of beer,given that most salty snacks are currently imported into Turkmenistan and they are often of poor quality. The loan provided finance for the purchase of state-of-the-art production equipment for the company’s greenfield production site just outside Ashgabat.

Project Objectives:

The project assisted the client to produce high quality snacks locally and sell at a reasonable price, thereby replacing poor quality imports on the local market.

Executing Agency:EBRD

Implementation Arrangement:

The loan was admainistrated by the EBRD and executed by the client for the inteded purpose.


Projected Benefits:

1. Competition in Project Sector: Launch of new snacks production company in the market. 2. Linkages: the project contracted local suppliers of packaging and work with local farmers in growing of potatoes for raw materials.

  • Update:2022-08-30
  • Hits:1382
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