

Health Information Management Efficiency Enhancement Project in Paraguay
Health Information Management Efficiency Enhancement Project in Paraguay
  • Public Health and Medicine
  • Public Health and Medicine

Project Name:Health Information Management Efficiency Enhancement Project in Paraguay

Project status:Completed projects

Cooperating Country:South America, Paraguay

Project Description:

Paraguay’s health information management system lacks the integration ability, the existing hand writing process causes the hospital staff members being overloaded. Besides, the data collection process often delays, which leads to the inefficiency of management. As our country has abundant experience in hospital management, and ICT is also one of our advanced technologies, the project will assist Paraguay in enhancing the Health Information Management efficiency through capacity building and system development. The main project contents are as following:
1. Strengthening of the e-health system functions in pilot regions
2. Promotion of the e-health system
3. Strengthening the hospital management

To watch the video made by the TaiwanICDF: Poder del Sistema de Información en Salud

Project No:TH-120-2016-003

Implementation Start Date:2016-01-01

Implementation End Date:2019-12-31

Source of Funding:Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Ministry of Health, Paraguay/ Cathay General Hospital

Project Objectives:

1.Strengthening of the e-health system function in pilot regions
A.The provision of a minimum two-month seed instructor training program, in Taiwan, with training in systems analysis and programming for at least two engineers from Paraguay, and the provision of a minimum of one domestic system programming workshop by the seed instructors.
B.The provision of a minimum two-month seed instructor training program, in Taiwan, with training in system administration for at least two engineers from Paraguay, and the subsequent implementation of training courses, in Paraguay, for a minimum of eighteen system administrators.
C.The development of a HIS in the designated regions (Guaira, Canindeyu and Alto Parana).
D.The provision of a minimum of two-month training program, in Taiwan, with training of data transmission from medical device interfaces to telemedicine systems for at least two engineers from Paraguay.

2.The promotion of the e-health system
A.Compile a report on the required equipment in strengthening the functions of the e-health system and the existing Internet performance.
B.Conduct minimum of six system operation workshops.
C.The provision of a two-month seed instructor training program, in Taiwan, in designing the e-learning curricula for at least four e-learning designers/engineers from Paraguay, and at least three instances of the subsequent implementation of training courses, in Paraguay.
D.using e-learning materials prepared for the HIS operation in the Guaira region, and at least 84 instances of courses being completed, including passing evaluation.
E.At least one instance of the promotion of the e-health system through the media during each project year for a total of a minimum of four instances, and the provision of an online promotion at least once.
F.The provision of a minimum one-month health marketing course, in Taiwan, for at least one manager from Paraguay.

3.Strengthening of hospital management
A.The provision of a two-month seed instructor training program in hospital management, in Taiwan, for at least four managers from Paraguay.
B.The provision of a minimum of four hospital management courses, in Paraguay, by seed instructors.
C.The organization of a minimum of two hospital management conferences.
D.The completion of a set of KPI, the collation of achievement reports from the health institutions in the pilot regions, and the provision of a statistic and analysis report.

Implementation Arrangement:Members of the Project will provide technical assistance and assistance for capacity building

Current Progress:

1.Strengthen e-health system functions in pilot regions
(1)Completed the health information system development.
(2)Implemented the health information system in 43 health facilities in Guaíra region, Alto Paraná region and Asunción City, and assist to train the system users and system debug.
(3)Completed seed instructor training programs in Taiwan on systems development, administration, and data transmission curricula for 6 trainees from Paraguay.
(4)Completed 11 training materials on system development, administration, and data transmission.
(5)Held 4 local workshops to 22 technicians on system development and administration.

2.Promote the e-health system
(1)Completed a system analysis report.
(2)Held the system operation training to 8 seed instructor; additionally, provided basic computer operation training to 78 system users and system operation training to 1,066 system users.
(3)Completed seed instructor training programs in Taiwan on designing the e-learning curricula for 2 trainees from Paraguay.
(4)Completed an E-learning training material and two system users training materials.
(5)Held one local E-learning training workshop to 10 local trainers.
(6)Completed ten instances of the promotion of the e-health system through the media.

3.Strengthening of hospital management
(1)Invited 5 senior officers from the MoH in Paraguay came to Taiwan to attend a two-week workshop on healthcare management.
(2)Held two hospital management training workshops related with the issue of ICD-10 to 533 doctors.
(3)Held two “Health Information System Conference” and presented the project achievement.

Project Performance:An improvement in managerial efficiency within health institutions in designed regions in Paraguay

Project Contact:Cecilia, C.H. Lin

Phone:886-2-28732323 ext.306


Mission:Taiwan Technical Mission in the Republic of Paraguay

  • Update:2022-03-04
  • Hits:2735
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