

Gorkha Food Security and Livelihoods Support Program (Nepal)
Gorkha Food Security and Livelihoods Support Program (Nepal)
  • Agriculture
  • Agriculture
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
01.No Poverty
02.Zero Hunger

Project Name:Gorkha Food Security and Livelihoods Support Program (Nepal)

Project status:Completed projects

Cooperating Country:Asia-Pacific, Nepal

Project Description:

On April 25, 2015, Nepal was hit by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake, which caused immense destruction of property, injury, and loss of life. Many aftershocks have followed, including a second 7.3 magnitude earthquake on May 12, 2015 which caused further destruction in already devastated areas.
To improve the post-disaster conditions, the TaiwanICDF has cooperated with Care Nepal to address the food security and livelihood needs of the most vulnerable earthquake-affected households in Gorkha district. This has been achieved through the implementation of mutually reinforcing interventions that support at least 850 disaster affected households(HHs) to recover their livelihoods and establish coping mechanisms to meet their food security by the end of the project.
Overall, this project:
1. At least 850 most vulnerable earthquake affected HHs in Gorkha recovered their agricultural livelihoods by the end of the project.
2. Built linkage to markets is enhanced in targeted areas in Gorkha district by the end of the project.
3. Enhanced community capacity in resilient and improved production methods in targeted areas in Gorkha by the end of the project.

Implementation Start Date:2015-12-01

Implementation End Date:2016-11-30

Source of Funding:MOFA

Project Objectives:At least 850 disaster affected HHs livelihoods are recovered and mechanisms established to meet their food security by the end of the project.

Executing Agency:CARE Nepal

Implementation Arrangement:The TaiwanICDF dispatched a short-term expert to assist in the implementation of the project; CARE Nepal provided technical and management oversight, assisted in reviewing the project proposal and producing reports and implemented the proposed activities, liaised with local government offices and local NGO.

  • Update:2022-03-04
  • Hits:1115
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