


TaiwanICDF to dispatch experts to Thailand for Royal Project Foundation’s 2014 program of workshops and technical exchange

To improve the Royal Project Foundation’s production of fruits and vegetables in northern Thailand, every year the TaiwanICDF dispatches two to four experts to carry out inspections and technical exchanges. This year, four experts specializing in passion fruit, citrus fruits, persimmon and mushroom will depart for Thailand on July 21, and hold four workshops designed to pass on associated skills to Royal Project Foundation technicians.

This year’s workshops will focus on healthy seedling management and disease detection skills in passion fruit and citrus fruits, and the improvement of persimmon and mushroom cultivation techniques and introduction and selection of high-quality varieties. The hope is that Royal Project Foundation technicians will be able to apply the new skills that they gain via technical exchanges to actual production and extension work among local farmers, thereby raising production capacity. It is further hoped that strengthening technical exchanges and visits between agricultural personnel from Taiwan and Thailand will strengthen interaction between the two countries, facilitating future technical cooperation and relations.

  • Update: 2018/03/01
  • Hits:326
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