

Les Cayes Cereal Crops Development Project in Haiti
Les Cayes Cereal Crops Development Project in Haiti
  • Agriculture
  • Agriculture

Project Name:Les Cayes Cereal Crops Development Project in Haiti

Project status:Completed projects

Cooperating Country:Caribbean, Haiti

Project Description:Haiti has long had a problem with food shortages. In accordance with needs specified by the Haitian government, from 2009 to 2012 the TaiwanICDF previously implemented a project designed to improve grain production in the south of the country, resulting in a dramatic increase in yields of rice. To further promote the development of grain production, the hope is to continue to strengthen local farmers’ organizations and market sales, establishing a complete industrial chain for grains and cereals from production through to sales.

The development of production systems within Haiti’s grain and cereal sectors has been weak. About 20 percent of demand for maize and beans, and about two-thirds for rice, is met through imports. In addition, property rights for typical, small plots of arable land are unclear and so there is little incentive to carry out extension work on them; technicians are unable to effectively guide farmers in improving cultivation techniques, and there is a general lack of agricultural marketing concepts.

To boost development in the region’s grain and cereals industry, the goals of this project are to raise yields and to establish a development model for farmers’ organizations, enhancing levels of agricultural development.

Overall, the project will:
1. Survey and produce an analysis report on district-level agricultural conditions and set up simple weather stations.
2. Provide guidance on the extension of paddy rice, upland rice and cereals, raising yield per unit area.
3. Assist in carrying out trials and the selection of suitable local varieties and planting methods.
4. Assist the Ministry of Agriculture in setting up demonstration fields and standard operating procedures, improving farmers’ cultivation techniques through field open days.
5. Rehabilitate water systems in cooperation with local Haitian personnel and establish water management committees.
6. Assist farmers’ organizations in improving financial management, post-harvest handling and marketing capabilities.
7. Provide guidance on the establishment of production and marketing groups, enhancing the quality of post-harvest grains.
8. Expand sales channels (including via local wholesalers or to international NGOs).

Implementation Start Date:2013-01-01

Implementation End Date:2016-12-31

Project Objectives:The objective of the project is to raise market value added (MVA) throughout the local cereal crops industry by 216 percent.

Executing Agency:Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources Development (MARNDR)

Project Performance:Improved local GNI per capita by 4.94 percent.

  • Update:2018-08-29
  • Hits:1167
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