


Love Without Borders:TaiwanICDF Releases Third Online Film, “Development”

As part of its annual series of short, online films, the TaiwanICDF released Care, in February, and Sustainability, in April, to promote public awareness of water resources, environmental sustainability and other global development issues.

Today (June 25) the TaiwanICDF releases Chinese and English versions of Development, the third film in the series, which explores the context and methods underpinning the transformation of the organization’s overseas technical cooperation projects in recent years. Viewers are welcome to watch the film at the organization’s official site, as well as at its YouTube and Facebook pages.

Establishing deep roots in the field of international cooperation and development over many years, the past achievements of Taiwan Technical Missions have been well received by the international community and beneficiaries. More recently, however, the efforts of the international community, matched by the increasing complexity of development needs, have indirectly reshaped traditional approaches toward foreign aid and associated activities. With aid modalities and pipeline operations becoming increasingly diversified, the TaiwanICDF has also undertaken to transform its own delivery of foreign aid.

The TaiwanICDF’s latest film highlights the focus that the organization has placed on meeting the genuine needs of partner countries, including efforts to integrate operations with partners’ national development strategies. Based on these strategies, the organization plans for the relevant technical cooperation and capacity building, while also promoting partners’ recognition of, and participation toward, their own development plans, thereby facilitating the organization’s main objective of transferring projects on to partners. Furthermore, Development also shows how the TaiwanICDF draws on Taiwan’s comparative advantages to develop and implement large-scale projects or projects with high-value outputs, expanding project impacts in order to enhance aid effectiveness, as well as the sustainability of its efforts and goodwill.

Many of the challenges facing society today are global in nature: Issues such as climate change and the uneven distribution of global resources, which no country can respond to on its own, highlight the importance of international cooperation and partnerships. The TaiwanICDF will continue to implement project-oriented forms of aid, providing practical assistance that supports partners’ independent growth and striving toward its vision to “become the best partner for sustainable development by 2022.”

Related Projects and Operations:

ICT Technical Cooperation Project in St. Lucia

Small Farmholders’ Financing Scheme—Export Papaya Production in Belize

Press Release: TaiwanICDF Responds to Media Reports that Projects by Overseas Missions to be Reduced, Says New Projects under Development

Further information on TaiwanICDF projects is also available at http://www.icdf.org.tw/ct.asp?xItem=4595&CtNode=29822&mp=2

  • Update: 2018/03/01
  • Hits:298
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