


Welcoming the Light --- Solar PV Mini-Grid System for Lighting in Myanmar Rural Areas

Myanmar has limited energy consumption and power grid coverage. The situation is worse in rural areas, with two-thirds of the households not connected to the grid electricity in 2016.
The Myanmar government has listed rural electrification and lighting as a key poverty alleviation strategy and national development goal. In view of this, the TaiwanICDF offered assistance to develop a suitable rural electrification and lighting project based upon the abundance of sunlight in the country while leveraging Taiwan's well-developed industrial chain and comprehensive technological advancements in the solar photovoltaic (PV) industry.
The Myanmar government designated several remote villages in the Magway Region and Sagaing Region for this pilot project. The TaiwanICDF commissioned experts from the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) to perform preliminary assessment and propose a design for an off-grid and centralized PV station to power lighting adapted to the local environment.

  • Update:2022-03-02
  • Hits:475
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