

Pakistan Livelihood Rocovery Program
Pakistan Livelihood Rocovery Program
  • Agriculture
  • Agriculture
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
02.Zero Hunger

Project Name:Pakistan Livelihood Rocovery Program

Project status:Completed projects

Cooperating Country:Pakistan

Project Description:

July 2010, Northern Pakistan received heavy monsoon rainfall; more than 14 million people were affected. To assist the most affected 2000 small holder farmers in Northern Sindh province, TaiwanICDF offer funding to Mercy Corps for early recovery activities in the livestock and wheat sectors to help families recover their productive capacity and income earning potential while rebuilding the local economies.
Program phase one focused on helping dairy farmers’ immediate needs from losses due to the floods. Immediate interventions included repairing of fences, emergency stocks of fodder and reestablishment of clean water sources for the animals.
Program phase two included activities that help the identified 2000 farmers firmly get back on their feet productively. Such as reestablished linkages between farmers and agricultural service providers (veterinary services, fodder producers, etc).

Implementation Start Date:2010-09-01

Implementation End Date:2011-03-31

Source of Funding:TaiwanICDF

Executing Agency:Mercy Corps

  • Update:2022-03-04
  • Hits:1117
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